Wood Croquet Set

A traditional European lawn game played with wooden mallets, colored balls, and wickets that’s been a standard yard game for generations.  The game's distinguishing feature is the "croquet" shot when balls hit other balls or are struck when balls are touching.  Hoops are arranged on the court and players or teams take turns striking their balls navigating the field of play and their opponent’s balls.  Can be played using various rules and arrangements.  Includes six (32 inch) mallets, six colored balls, nine wickets, and two stakes packed in a carrying case.  Slight assembly required for each mallet but made easy with threaded pieces.

  • $25/day

  • Setup in minutes. Place wicket markers to establish playing surface and begin playing. Mallets do require them to be attached to handles.

  • 2 to 6 players

  • Flexible depending on your needs. The official full-size court is a rectangle 100 feet long by 50 feet wide, but court size and shape can be adjusted to fit available space with distances between wickets and stakes scaled down in proportion.

  • 8 years and older with supervision.

  • Classic game of skill, striking and luck.